Brad Schimel Receives 12,000 Nomination Signatures from Across Wisconsin

The Significant Show of Support Reflects Continued Momentum Behind Schimel’s 72-County-Wide Campaign to Take Back the Court

WAUKESHA, Wisc. – In just one month, Brad Schimel received 12,000 nominating petition signatures in support of his campaign for the Wisconsin Supreme Court – six times the amount required and collected from every corner of the state. Schimel is the only candidate running a 72-county-wide campaign dedicated to serving all of Wisconsin and this figure reflects the growing grassroots momentum.

“The people of Wisconsin are deprived of justice when their highest court is run by political activists. Right now, Justices on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court predetermine cases and implement partisan agendas in plain sight. I refuse to sit back and watch our criminal justice system further crumble. The people of Wisconsin have had enough and it’s evident in our grassroots momentum. I’ve spent my life defending victims, delivering justice, and fighting for what is right.” – Brad Schimel

In addition to the support of 12,000 nominators, Schimel’s conservative record and reputation for being tough, relentless, and fair in the pursuit of justice is why he has become law enforcement’s choice in this race. To date, Schimel has received endorsements from more than 50 active Wisconsin Sheriffs, the Milwaukee Police Association, and the Waukesha County Police Chiefs Association. For Brad Schimel, being “tough on crime” is not just a campaign slogan; it’s a calling.

